Tuesday 12 January 2016

Asp.Net Interview Question


1. What is ASP.Net? Why asp.net? 

A) 1. ASP.NET is a .NET web technology or Server side technology. 
WHY: To develop a web application by using .Net we have to use a .Net web technology called Asp.Net and a .Net language called C#.Net.

2. What do you mean by server side technology? 

A) 1. The code which is executing within the WEB SERVER is called as SERVER SIDE CODE. 
2. Server side code we can implement by using Server side technologies. Ex. ASP, ASP.NET, JSP, PHP and so on 
3. Using server side technology we can develop server side web pages.

3. What do you mean by client side technology? 

A) 1. The code which is executing within the WEB BROWSER is called as CLIENT SIDE CODE.  2. Client side code we can implement by using client side technologies. 
3. Ex: JavaScript, HTML, CSS  

4. What are the programming techniques will be supporting by  asp.net? 

A) Asp.net will support 2 Programming Techniques. They are- 
1. InPage Technique and  2. CodeBehing Technique. 

5. Can we convert client side control as a server side control?Can we convert server side control as client side control? 

A) Yes. We can convert Client side control as server side control by adding an ATTRIBUTE called runat=‖server‖.  But we cannot convert server side control as client side control.

6. How can you pass values between ASP.NET pages? 

A) Different techniques to move data from one web form to another are: 
1. Query string 
2. Cookies 
3. Session state 
4. Application state 
5. Cross page postback 
6. Context.Handler object


7. What is the difference between Response.Redirect() and  Server.Transfer()? 

A) Response. Redirect(): 
1. It is used to navigate the user request between multiple web servers. 
2. It will not hide the Destination url address. 
Server. Transfer(): 
1. It is used to navigate the user request within the web server. 
2. It will hide the Destination url address. 

8. Explain about validation controls in asp.net? 

A) There are 6 Validator Controls. They are 
1. Requiredfield Control 
2. Compare validator 
3. Range validator 
4. Regular Expression validator 
5. Custom validator 
6. Validation summary

 9. When we will go for custom validator control? 

A) Whenever our validation requirement is unable to achieve with the help of existing validation controls then we have to go for CUSTOM VALIDATOR CONTROL.

10) What are page life cycle events? 

A) 1. Page_PreInit 
2. Page_Init 
3. Page_InitComplete, 
4. Page_PreLoad 
5. Page_Load 
6. Page_LoadComplete 
7. Page_PreRender 
8. Page_PreRenderComplete, 
9. Page_Unload

11. What are the Asp.Net page cycle stages? 

A) There are overall 8 stages available for any webpage that will undergo with in server at page life cycle. 
1) Page Request 
2) Start 
3) Page Initialization 
4) Load 
5) Validation 
6) PostBack Event Handling 
7) Rendering 
8) Unload

12. What are the life cycle events of asp.net?

A) Application level, Control level, Page level.

13. How to access information about a user’s locale in ASP.NET? 

A) User’s locale information can be accessed through System.Web.UI.Page.Culture property. 

14. How to invoke server side validation function and how to invoke client side validation function? 

A) Server side validation functions can be invoked by using ASP.NET and Client side validation function are invoked with the help of JavaScript and HTML.

15) What is AutopostBack?when we will set Autopostback=true? 

A) Autopostback is the property of the control. If you want a control to postback automatically when an event is raised, you need to set the AutoPostBackproperty of the control to True.

16) What is Ispostback? When we will use Not Ispostback? 

A) IsPostBack: It is the property of the Page class which is used to determine whether the page is posted back from the client.  When: Whenever we don’t want to execute the code within the load event, when the page load event fires then we will use (!IsPostBack).  

17) What do u mean by postback? 

A)When ever user request for a page for first time it is called First request. When ever user will interact the page by clicking button or selecting radiobutton e.t.c again one more request for the same page that is called postback request. 

 18) What are the default events of controls Button and Textbox? 

A) Default events of: Button: CLICK Event  TextBox: TEXTCHANGED Event 

 19) What is the difference between event and method? 

A) Event will execute for some action i.e called as event firing or event calling or event executing.  Whereas method will contain some behavior or functionality.

 20). In asp.net page life cycle events which will fire first? 

A) Page_PreInit     

21) Difference between web user control & custom control?

22) How to get the current date to textbox? 
A) TextBox1.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString();
23) How to divide the page into different parts? 
A) By using div tag and panel control.
24) What is Rendering? 
A) Rendering is a process of converting complete server side code into client understable code. It will happen before page is submitting to the client.

25) What is the difference between ASP and ASP.Net?